This is BEIT 2011

When you see about 15 people laugh for no reason
They don't care for the time nor the season
When one amongst them gets constantly teased
And all the others look pleased
When they discuss football on a strategic level
But can't properly kick even a pebble
When the same ghisa-pita jokes are received with an applause
suddenly they abuse each other without any cause
When one man is blamed for all the worldly disasters
And his neighbours thigh is in plasters
When one is solving dangerous crimes
and his neighbour is trying to get his portfolio in the Times
When one is blessing people as if he were God
And his neighbour is trying to prove his love is not fraud
When all one guy is thinking is about his wife
And the others are complaining why there isn't a girl in their life
When the guys educate the girls about sex
And get a response, "then what next?"
This is when you know
BEIT2011 is on the go !!!


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